Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

 «  März 2016  » 
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Manuela Bank-Zillmann

Telefon: +49 345 55-21004
Telefax: +49 345 55-27404

Universitätsplatz 8/9
06108 Halle


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Volker Nehring: Recognition in leaf-cutting ants

Termin Montag, 7. März 2016, 16.15 - 17.15 Uhr
Veranstaltungsart Vorlesung/Vortrag
Einrichtung Universität gesamt
Veranstalter Zoologie
Veranstaltungsort Hoher Weg 4, Hörsaal II
Straße Hoher Weg 4
PLZ/Ort 06120 Halle (Saale)
Ansprechpartner Dr. Martin Husemann, Dr. Antonella Soro
Telefon 0345-5526502


Leading scientists from across Germany present their newest research on topics in the fields of biodiversity research, ecology and evolutionary biology. A great opportunity for interested students to learn about up-to-date research in these fields. We cover a broad range of topics from behavioral ecology, pollination, conservation biology, chemical ecology, genome research, global change biology, physiology and a variety of related topics. Further, these seminars provide the opportunity to talk to the chairs of the departments of general zoology, molecular ecology, physiology and developmental biology and to the invited speakers. A great chance for networking!


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