Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

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Katja Pohle

Telefon: +49 345 55-21422
Telefax: +49 345 55-27404

Universitätsplatz 8/9
06108 Halle


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Nuno Palma - Justices of the Peace: Legal Foundations of the Industrial Revolution

Termin Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023, 16.15 - 17.30 Uhr
Veranstaltungsart Workshop/Seminar
Reihe Forschungsseminar "Economic History, Growth & Development"
Einrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Bereich
Veranstalter Lehrstuhl Prof. Börner
Veranstaltungsort Raum 122
Straße Gr. Steinstraße 73
PLZ/Ort 06108 Halle


Prof. Nuno Palma, PhD (University of Manchester) - Justices of the Peace: Legal Foundations of the Industrial Revolution

We study how legal capacity influenced economic development prior to and during the Industrial Revolution. The monarchy relied on local magistrates, known as Justices of the Peace (JPs), to enforce property rights and administer market regulation. We document that counties with more JPs in 1700 experienced more economic growth over the following 140 years, and regions most associated with the Industrial Revolution were among those with the most JPs. We provide evidence concerning the mechanism and channels at play.


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