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Jordi Domènech: Land Reform and Rural Voting in Interwar Europe: Evidence from Spain before Civil War

Termin Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023, 18.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Veranstaltungsart Vorlesung/Vortrag
Reihe Forschungsseminar "Economic History, Growth & Development"
Einrichtung Wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Bereich
Veranstalter Lehrstuhl Prof. Dr. Lars Börner
Veranstaltungsort Seminarraum I
Straße Große Steinstraße 73
PLZ/Ort 06108 Halle


Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jordi Domènech von der Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

This paper looks at the impact of land reform on Leftist vote during the first free elections in Spain during the Second Republic (1931-1936). Although landlessness was associated with a larger share of votes going to Leftist parties or coalitions, we find additional positive and substantive effects of land re-distributions on voting for parties committed to re-distribution. Because these effects are not apparent in electoral participation, we argue land reform changed the vote of marginal landless voters who would have voted Rightist, pro-landowner options. These effects are stronger for 1933, when groups of landless peasants had been settled in some municipalities, than in 1936, after these same settlers had been evicted from the land and unions and Socialists local councils were repressed. Results from 1933 also suggest that land reform favoured Socialists, not other Leftist or Centre-Left parties. Giving land to the landless did not appease the revolutionary tendencies of the rural poor.


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