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Katja Pohle

Telefon: +49 345 55-21422
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Universitätsplatz 8/9
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'Life is Individual': outline of a cosmopolitan ethics for anyone

Termin Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013, 16.15 - 18.00 Uhr
Veranstaltungsart Vorlesung/Vortrag
Einrichtung Philosophische Fakultät I
Veranstaltungsort Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Straße Advokatenweg 36
PLZ/Ort 06114 Halle (Saale)
Ansprechpartner Bettina Mann
Telefon 0345-2927-501


Vortragender: Nigel Rapport, University of St Andrews

Cosmopolitanism dwells in the tension between the most general and the most particular aspects of the human condition. On the one hand there is the human species, representing the universals of human life or ‘cosmos’. On the other hand there is the human individual, embodying all that is unique in time and space: ‘polis’. To comprehend the human, according to cosmopolitanism is to see these polar realities always in relation. The human species is only and ever embodied in its individual exemplars. The human individual is to be known always by way of capabilities and liabilities that are species-wide. Between individual and species there may exist a host of classificatory associations—societies, ethnicities, communities, nations, religions, classes—but these are symbolic constructs only, matters of rhetoric and imagination, epiphenomenal upon the concrete realities of individual and species. There is stark distinction to be drawn, then, between cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism, and a kinship to be celebrated between cosmopolitanism and liberalism. What is the cosmopolitan project of anthropology? I present an outline. Of key importance is validating human life as a form of movement towards the future and away from conventional cultural categories and collectivities. Futurity might be defined as an individual’s birthright: the right continually to author an identity. It is the cosmopolitan project to work out an accommodation between universal individual aspiration and local structures of hospitality and politeness.


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